Opening hours
At the bottom of this page, you can find the opening hours of the reception. If you have any questions outside the opening hours, you can send us an email: info@zwinhoeve.nl.
We will respond to your email as quickly as possible. During the opening hours, you can also reach us via phone: +31 117 392120

Our WiFi network is accessible for all guests (for free).

Dogs are very welcome on the campsite. The natural environment is ideal for a walk with your favorite four-legged friend.
In order to ensure a pleasant stay for all guests at the campsite, the dogs must always be kept on a leash.

Bicycles can be rented at Neptunus Tweewielers at Boulevard de Wielingen 44 in Cadzand-Bad. Call +31(0)117-392220 or reserve via the website.
A bicycle map of the area is available at the reception.